Sunday, 10 October 2010

a post from Bluemoon by me thought it relevant

can I thank everyone of you not just Blue Tooth for the kind comments recieved its means such a lot that fellow blues support us in this and they have - they have gone the extra mile - and we will take this further I promise you - watch this space - we have our eye on another - and we cant say what but in near future there will be fund raisers like you have never seen - and the best bit is the CLUB YOUR CLUB are helping us do it - this is truly and easily the best thing I have ever been involved in - there really is A BLUE MOON RISING to coin a phrase and the club are really reaching out to the fans in an unprecendented way long may it continue - you lot make me proud never mind the other way round we asked for your help and money and you gave it willingly - thanks guys

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